Shona Kallestrup is speaker at the AAH annual public lecture ‘Re-writing Women Into Art History’ with a talk about Queen Marie of Romania. 3 December 2020, 7 – 8.15pm BST, Online. Details: https://arthist.ro/2020/11/shona-kallestrup-is-speaker-in-the-aah-annual-public-lecture-re-writing-women-into-art-history and https://forarthistory.org.uk/events/apl-women-in-art-history
Anna Adashinskaya, 26-27, November 20202 – Paper “Illuminated by Divine Presence: Discovery and Research of the Lightened and Lightless Spaces in Dečani Monastery,” Licht aus dem Osten? Light in Medieval Churches Between Byzantium and the West, Freie Universität Berlin. https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/dhc/programme/termine/Workshop-Sullivan.html
Anna Adashinskaya, 26-31, October, 2020 – Paper “Donor Portrait in Historiography of Byzantine Art: Interpretation, Typology, and Perception,” Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art IX (Aктуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства IX), St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, 26-31, October 2020 https://actual-art.spbu.ru/images/2020/Program2020_v2.pdf
”Mihnea Mihail, The Sacra cintola and Christ’s Side Wound. The Representation of St Francis and St Thomas in a 15th Century Wall Painting in Mediaș, Transylvania”, Iconography and Hagiography. Visualizing Holiness, Fourteenth International Conference of Iconographic Studies, Center for Iconographic Studies, 15-16 October 2020, Rijeka
Cosmin Minea participant in the Curatorial Workshop ‘Handfuls thrown into air and scattered over earth’, Bucharest Biennale 9. Convener: Mick Wilson. https://www.artandeducation.net/announcements/316436/9th-bucharest-biennale-curatorial-workshop-handfuls-thrown-into-air-and-scattered-over-earth
Mihnea Mihail, ”The Defensorium Mariae in Hărman. A Rare Medieval Iconographic Theme in a Late 15th Century Funerary Chapel from the Hungarian Kingdom”, Salve Regina. New Approaches on Marian Devotion from the Middle Ages to the Council of Trent, Ca’ Foscari University, 28-30 September 2020, Venice
Cosmin Minea, participant in the Venice Virtual Summer Camp on Digital and Public Humanities, Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, 6-10 July 2020. https://vedph.github.io/summercamp/
Anna Adashinskaya, 3-5 April, 2020 – Paper “ Sweat, Fear, Joy, and Amazement: Personal Experience and Mental Journeys of the Orthodox Pilgrims to the Holy Land (the 12th to 15th Centuries),” online Conference “Art Readings 2020: Journeys” (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Art History), https://arthist.net/archive/22672
Cosmin Minea, Paper: ‘À la recherche du style byzantin: André Lecomte du Noüy (1844-1914) et le patrimoine architectural roumain’. Les élèves d’Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, Workshop organised at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris. 20 et 21 février 2020: https://invisu.cnrs.fr/2020/02/05/20-21-02-2020-journees-detude-les-eleves-deugene-viollet-le-duc/
Ada Hajdu, “National Architectural Styles from a Transnational Perspective: The Entanglements of the “Byzantine Style” in Balkan Historiographies at the Turn of the 20th Century”, and Shona Kallestrup, “Scandinavian-Romanian connections: a case study of the transnational dimensions of “national” art”, International European Revivals Conference, Art, Life and Place: Looking at European Transnational Exchange in the Long 19thCentury, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, 20-23 January 2020: https://fngresearch.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/european_revivals_programme_final.pdf