CFP: Studying Byzantium in the interwar years, workshop at the XXIV International Conference of Byzantine Studies, Venice/Padua, August 22–27, 2022 Submissions due March 31, 2021
Click here for the official booklet of the conference The audience will be able to join us on the Hellenic Open University Channel on YouTube, where the conference will be live- streamed here.
To access the conference booklet, visit: The general link of the conference is here:
A signed copy of George Oprescu’s 1935 book Roumanian Art from 1800 to our Days in St Andrews University Library reveals fascinating links between Scottish and Romanian academics in the interwar period.
Anna Adashinskaya (New Europe College, Bucharest). “Discovering History or Spying for the Country? Russian Imperial Research Expeditions by P.N. Milyukov and N.P. Kondakov to Macedonia”
This overview of Soviet postcards for the festive winter season shows how political and economic concerns translate into some intriguing postcard designs that include World War 2 themes, the adventure of the Soviet Grandfather Frost or the Great Soviet Industry.
This event will take a fresh look at women as collectors, patrons, exhibition organisers and museum founders in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Until recently, women’s contributions in these areas has been undervalued, not keeping up with the attention and critical recognition that women artists have received. Our three speakers will consider the achievements of some extraordinary and fascinating women in the art world whose accomplishments are less well known than their male counterparts of the period, though are equally significant.
Details on the following link:
(click on the ‘English’ tab on the right)
Anna Adashinskaya An acclaimed art historian, professor, museum curator, tireless traveler and reluctant spy: these were the social roles played by the pioneer of the iconographic method in Russia, Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov. Every time he needed to finance a costly expedition to distant Byzantine monuments, he faced a dilemma: to spy or not to spy? Before … Continue reading An “Ancient Argonaut” in the Service of the Empire: the Research Expeditions of Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov